Tues 60 Minute K-12 Program - School Visits to the Nature Sanctuary

01/16/2024 09:45 AM - 03:15 PM PT


We offer a range of programs for school groups to engage with on-site in the Nature House and on the sanctuary grounds and waterways. On-Site School Programs are designed for districts 61, 62, and 63 and surrounding independent schools. Teachers can select from themes: Rocks & Fossils, Adaptations, Reptiles, Wetlands & Watersheds, Garry Oak Meadows, Owls, and Pollinators. You can learn more about the BC learning objectives each program targets on our website. 

Rocks & Fossils

Students will actively learn about the rock cycle, become rock detectives and learn to distinguish between the different types of rocks. They will explore the intricacies of fossils, learn about past mass extinctions and how we remedy the one we are currently in.  

Adaptations (Grades 3 - 12)

From beaver teeth to mallard feathers, our local ecosystems are filled with complex and incredible adaptations! This program delves into the adaptations of various plants, animals and fungi that we can find right here on Vancouver Island.

Garry Oak Meadows

Featuring both a classroom and outdoor, hands-on component, students will be introduced to the Garry Oak ecosystem.


We'll look at the amazing world of owls through specimens, props, demonstration of owl pellet dissection, and owl calls.


This popular program investigates the world of the cold blooded species! These scaly and slimy creatures and their incredible adaptations will be explored through discussion, activities and living examples of these amazing animals! We will discover the importance of reptiles, as well as the native and invasive species common in our area. Students will learn the differences between reptiles and amphibians, focusing on the adaptations of our in-house reptiles.

Pollinators (Grades 6 - 12)

Join us to help explore and monitor pollinator biodiversity in a rewilded meadow. We will train students to identify major groups of pollinators, native plants, and how to monitor biodiversity using the iNaturalist and Seek apps. Only available from April to June and September.

Wetlands & Watersheds

Grades K - 5

Gain an understanding and record our observations of wetland environments through hands-on examination of the plants, aquatic invertebrates, birds, and mammals that make Swan Lake their home.

Grades 6 - 12

We will train students to conduct various water quality assessments to understand the health of the lake by making measurements about the aquatic invertebrate community, dissolved oxygen, and other water chemistry. Students will gain an understanding of how their actions on-site and at home can support the resilience of freshwater water systems.

Due to the size of the Founders Wharf, this program is limited to 18 students for safety and comfort. Thanks for your understanding.

The Wetlands & Watersheds program is only available on Tuesdays.

Pacific Salmon Tank Talks (Grades K-12)

Pacific salmon are a culturally and ecologically significant species in BC. Their role in food webs support over 137 plants and animals – such as trees, bears, and orcas. Students can discover how they can make positive change and support these vital species at one of our Tank Talks. Through the Goldstream Hatchery and World Fisheries Trust salmon incubation program, we raise Coho salmon eggs in the Nature House between February and May. Students will explore salmon life stages, their anatomy, and stewardship. We will have fun games and experiments that will engage participants in the magnificent journey of Pacific salmon.

Depending on the program, these events will take place inside, outside or a bit of both. To prepare for the program, please check out our website to know what to expect (URL embedded). If you are hoping to visit the Nature House or trails on site, please make sure to allocate enough time to explore before or after the program. Please dress appropriately for the outdoors and any weather that may occur.

Cancellation Policy

We require 48 hours notice for cancellations. Any cancellation within 48h before class start or any no-shows is non-refundable. It puts a lot of strain on a small non-profit organization to offer refunds (due to staff time and the cost of issuing e-transfers). We appreciate your understanding.

Bus Parking

Please use alternate parking for any school buses.

Preparing For Your Upcoming Program

We will send a confirmation email of your registration along with instructions for how best to prepare, which can also be found here. Please check your junk mail for these instructions.

Indoor/Outdoor Programs

Some of these programs are entirely indoors depending on the season and weather. Certain programs focus on exploring different parts of site, while others focus on props, animals, or activities. Wetlands and Watersheds, Adaptations, Pollinators and Garry Oak Ecosystems are the best programs for exploring and learning outside. While Owls, Reptiles, Fossils and Salmon Tank Talks are best for experiencing the incredible assets that nature house has to offer.

We highly recommended arranging extra time to explore the nature house itself as well as the Nature Sanctuary grounds. If you are concerned about where your program will be taking place please contact us before booking.