Native Plant Workshop

04/02/2023 12:00 PM - 03:00 PM PT


Capital region residents are invited to attend an introductory workshop about gardening with drought-resistant native plants. Create a haven of native biodiversity and cultivate water-wise habits!

You will learn about:

  • native plant identification
  • an overview of the cultural history & ecological benefits of native plants
  • a tour of the Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary native plant gardens, and
  • an introduction to the CRD’s water conservation program

Time: 12:00-3:00 pm
Where: Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary, 3873 Swan Lake Road, white tent beside the Nature House

Feel free to bring your draft garden plan! Some resources for drafting a garden plan are here and here, or check out the full list of resources on our website!

Lecture portion is outdoors under our big white tent beside the Nature House at 3873 Swan Lake Rd. and tour afterwards in the gardens. Dress for the weather.

Pre-registration is required. Each workshop has a maximum enrollment of 30 participants in person and 20 participants online.